2022, Healthy Living, pandemic, Positivity, Single Parent, Thoughts

To Detox

How do you get rid of toxic things in your life? Whether they are thoughts, habits, or people; how do you set your boundaries to protect yourself from future pain?

I struggle to get rid of things that are not good for me. Sometimes simple things that have a negative effect in my life. Like for example, going to bed late, staying in bed once I am awake, or a sweet treat with a coffee during the day, or people that just do not add any positive things in my life, but I insist to check on them not realising the affect that action can cause in my life afterwards.

Few months ago, I have experienced being cut off from someone’s life without any explanation, which made me do a deep check. What makes someone toxic? How can I work on myself, so I do not become a person that people I love want to be away from?

I like deep thinking, but I must watch myself, because once I am aware of my weakness I become determined to change. But changing the core of your existence is frustratingly difficult. I have realised that the person I am now, with all my baggage, is not the same person I once thought I was. Did I change? Am I just a product of the past fifteen years?

On the quest of understanding why someone would feel the need to block me out of their life, I started looking at my own personality. I know I have a caring nature, and I like that about myself, but I realise that it can be too much. For many people, having someone checking in on them several times a day can feel invasive and uncomfortable.

It was an interesting experience to think that even kind people can be considered toxic in different circumstances, and if they are not adding anything good to our lives, it would be wise to cut them off. Of course, there are kind ways of doing it, but I do not need to go into that.

Once I became aware of my own toxicity and that we can have the purest thoughts toward someone, you are still not free from being considered toxin for them if what your wishes are, are not what they want for themselves. The awareness of it helped me to let go, but it was a great lesson that I am thankful I had, because it opened my eyes to the need to cleansing the toxicity in my own life.

I have been navigating ways to slowly eliminate things that have a negative impact on me. I realise when I am not healthy and fit (which I am not) it is more likely that I might make poor choices in all areas of my daily life.

Last Saturday my neighbour called to invite me to a 9-day detox. She had used that program before and thought of me when she decided to try it again. I got excited because I have been wanting to try something different to get me back into a healthier living.

I started on Monday the 10th, I am on my third day and so far, it is going well. Once I am finished, I plan in writing a review of my experience and challenge you to join me the next time I try.

I want to change not because it will make someone else happy, although my family and friends would benefit of it too, but I will like myself better. I am the person who spends the most time with myself, therefore I deserve to have the best Dani there is. Healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually.