
Dani Camargo
“I am not what happened to me
I am what I choose to become.”
– Carl Gustav Jung-

I also wrote an article for Easy Parenting Magazine. If you wish to read it, you have to subscribe to them and it is on the issue 45.
The article was also about Potty Training.

In 2018 I self-Pubished a small book on Potty Training.

This is my very first blog, back in the days I was happily married having my beautiful babies.

I also have one I wrote in Portuguese very long time ago.

“A real mom of 8 can teaches a lot. Great book! “

This book was such a good companion during the time I was folding my laundry! It took just under one hour to listen to all of it and I have to say… it was like if I was in a coffee shop with an experienced friend telling me her life experiences. Daniela Kinsella calls herself not a writer, but I have to disagree. She is a good one indeed!

If you are a busy mom like me, this book will be perfect for you! In the end… you will see that all we need is to really understand our kids deep down. A good relationship with our babies is the key for a successful potty train. Thanks Daniella for sharing your story.

Bruna T

A costumer and friend

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