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Here you can find the projects that I have been working on.

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From time to time I will share links within the posts, maybe books I have read and helped me or products I have used and feel confident to recommend. Every time I post in a blog post I will also add to this page, in case you ever want to go back to it and don’t remember which post it was on.

I will first list things that are directly linked to me:

Even though I don’t feel I’m an expert at anything, having 8 children, is helping me to learn few things not only about my own children but also about children in general.

I love sharing parts of my story.

If you would like to know how I potty trained my children, this booklet will tell it all. You can find it on audio, paper back or e-book. Click on the picture below for the link to amazon. There is a Portuguese and Spanish versions of this book as well.

I wrote this booklet during a very trying time of my life. I had the help of my ex husband and daughter.

Recently I launched a Daily Organiser, it is my first time and I plan in making different kinds for different needs, life without chaos is much simpler to live, I know what chaos can cause in someone’s life, for that reason and more, I made this organiser to help me with my everyday mom’s duties.

Single Mom’s daily organiser, has 4 different pages layouts, to help you with daily tasks: Shopping list, Meals Menus, To do list and Positive thoughts of the day.

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Your support is greatly appreciated and if there is anything I can do to help you in your journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me on the contact page or through the various social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.


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