

In the process of rediscovering my identity as a separated Christian mother. I use my writings as an outlet to express my thoughts and emotions.

Hi There!

Hi, my name is Daniela, a Christian mother of 8. Yes, you read right, 8 children.

Do you like to sit and have a cup of coffee with someone who can understand you? Like a Counsellor ,a therapist or a best friend but life is so busy and it is physically impossible to have that time?

Blogging to me is just that, I sit , write my thoughts and someone on the other side reads and we connect somehow. Sometimes they will disagree with me or think that I complain too much but they will share their opinion and help me see things different ways, others will be going through similar situations and will be able to relate and be encouraged by what they read.

I love communicating but lately due to the Covid-19 issue, being social, like meeting and hugging friends have been reduced to phone calls, zoom meetings or WhatsApp messages. I need more!

I’m going to use this blog as an outlet to share my thoughts and some of what I’m going through and how God has been teaching me to rely on him. It will be like my therapy. I hope that along the way this will reach others that are going through similar situations and we will be able to encourage each other. I write with honestly and somewhat vulnerability, but that is the only way I feel Im being honest to myself and others.

Through ups and downs we will build each other up and maybe create our own little online community of single mothers trying to be the best human beings we can be, despite of our circumstances.
Let me know who you are!


2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hi Daniella, lovely to meet you on zoom and delighted you’ve started this blog. I find writing also helps me to figure things out and really connect with myself and I love to have some readers who can interact with me. In some senses writing is more intimate that face to face for me. The uncensored me slips out! Thanks for starting this great idea….


    1. Great to meet you too Anne. This journey is a rollercoaster we need to find a way to bring out all our emotions. I don’t struggle to talk to people but as much as my friends and family are very supporting and kind. I felt they couldn’t really understand the deep feelings inside, I believe only someone who walked similar roads can truly grasp the depth of a breakup. I would love to read what you have! let’s create a community of Single Moms!


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