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When Covid hit our Family

I knew it was going to happen at some point, here we are, almost 2 years since this pandemic started and we were hit by the virus.

When my children were little, I used to be terrified of the vomiting bug, I remember the first time it hit the whole family, we had 4 children and it was savage! The kids started waking up during the night, 30 minutes between each other and vomiting all over, by the time one bed was made someone else was waking up crying and repeating all I just mentioned above.  Fun memories!

Today I can say, I have gained a bit of experience to the vomiting bug because ever since 2009 we have been hit by it almost every year, today my children know exactly what to do, from the eldest to the youngest, the moment they feel sick they call for the bucket, no more carpets or beds are messed up by it.

For the past 2 years, I avoided Covid, I tried to distance as much as I could, I did what was advised and taught my children to do likewise, but I knew that with the children going to school and socialising we would eventually get it. I am glad it took us this long to happen, it seems that everyone is having it these days.

Tuesday at 5am my son come to me and said: Mom, I think I’m dying! (Drama is part of our family 😊) he mentioned he couldn’t stand up properly, he was shaking and dizzy, no flu symptoms at that stage, he also said his head hurt, I gave him paracetamol and sent him back to bed. I worried, because for a moment Covid was not my concern, but later when he woke up, he was worse and I decided to check for covid, I had an antigen test at home, and sure enough: Positive!!

That morning, before I took the covid test, only one child went to school, everyone felt off, I let them stay home. I’m glad I did, because after he tested positive, few more tested positive too. I called the schools, and my angel neighbour has been a blessing, she went shopping for some supplies of food and medicine.

Thankfully the children are very resilient and are recovering well so far. We are on day 4 since the first positive test, all feeling a bit miserable but doing fine. A lot of boredom going on, a house filled with sick kids and now a sick mother too, not the nicest place to be, but I’m confident saying that despite the sickness, bad moods and all that comes with many kids being stuck together in one space, we are ok 😊

Situations like this reminds me of how fragile life is, one day we are all go and suddenly everything must be postponed. I had meetings and different appointments booked for this week, all seem unimportant when dealing with the health and wellbeing of our loved ones and the protection of others.

I am looking forward to the days when Covid 19, is just another something we must watch for, like the vomiting bug, something that we dread but with time and experience we will know exactly what to do when it hits ourselves or the ones we care for.

Have you been hit by Covid? How was your recovery? What are your tips?

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